Here you’ll find ideas for using the cards. Please share your ideas for using the cards by tagging Think like a Tree on social media and we’ll add them here.
If you’d like to order more packs then you can find them here. They make great gifts for friends and family too.
What are the Think like a Tree Natural Principles?
These natural principles can be found in in all healthy ecosystems. They are nature’s secrets to success.
They offer us a vital guide to happiness, health, wellbeing and living a purposeful life – because we are all part of nature.
The principles also share lost wisdom about how all life can thrive on planet Earth, even in challenging times. They are an alternative to extractive and harmful practices, allowing us to create conditions for more life to grow.
These principles have been brought together by Sarah Spencer, author of Think like a Tree: the natural principles guide to life. They are gathered from many sources including permaculture, biomimicry, regenerative practices, ancient and indigenous wisdom and from observations in the forest.
Head outside into your nearby nature.
Find another living being (a tree, plant, animal or fungi) that shares that natural principle. Sit quietly and connect with that being in whatever way that feels right for you. You may also want to thank them for sharing with you.
Side 1 of each card shares a natural principle and an explanation of its wisdom from nature.
Side 2 of each card shares a question or prompt.
How is growing a deeper connection with nature shifting your understanding of yourself and the world?
Bring to mind a problem or issue you are experiencing.
Sift through the cards and find 6 – 10 cards to guide you.
Side 1 of each card shares a natural principle and an explanation of its wisdom from nature.
Head outside with your chosen cards and find them in nature. Ask nature ‘what would you do in this situation?’
Take the cards outside into your nearby nature and discover which natural principles are present. Take a photo or make a sketch. Observe, using all of your senses and reflect on what nature is sharing with you. Side 1 of each card shares a natural principle and an explanation of its wisdom from nature.
Side 2 of each card shares a question or prompt. Find a notebook or journal. Note what comes up for you when you read the question or prompt. Capture any actions that you want to take as a result of these observations.
Head outside with the cards and find natural physical examples of some of the natural principles.
Collect natural items (taking care to only collect responsibly) and spend time arranging them into a pattern (such as a mandala).
Whilst you are meditatively arranging your natural items, reflect on the wisdom that natural is reflecting with you.
Draw a card at random each day. Side 1 of each card shares a natural principle and an explanation of its wisdom from nature. Take the card outside and find an example of that natural principle. You may want to take a photo or make a sketch.
Side 2 of each card shares a question or prompt. Place the card in a prominent place where you will see it many times during the day. Allow different thoughts and feelings to come up each time you look at the card. Capture thoughts and feelings in a notebook or journal.
Hand a card to each member of the group (or allow them to choose one). Side 1 of each card shares a natural principle and an explanation of its wisdom from nature. In pairs invite people to reflect on the question: ‘Where might you see the natural principle in nature?’
Side 2 of each card shares a question or prompt. In pairs, invite people to reflect on the question: ‘What could you learn from the natural principle for your own life?’ Invite people to feed back to the whole group.
SENSING INTO EMOTIONS/FEELINGS Look through the cards and take one that evokes a physical/emotional response. Side 1 of each card shares a natural principle and an explanation of its wisdom from nature. What is coming up for you when you think about this natural principle in nature?
Side 2 of each card shares a question or prompt. What is coming up for you when you reflect on what this principle means for you? Avoid judging emotions as positive or negative – simply observe where they are showing up in your body and thoughts. Learn to listen and accept rather than pushing feelings away. Seek support where needed. Find out how to transform uncomfortable emotions into action, through processes such as Active Hope.
Discuss an issue or problem that your team is facing.
Lay the cards out on a table and invite people to find natural principles that might spark new ideas for facing those issues.
When you’ve picked cards, head outside and find those natural principles in Nature.
Side 1 of each card shares a natural principle and an explanation of its wisdom from nature.
Invite people to write their own question or prompt, relevant to your team’s issue.
Invite people to feed back to the whole group.
Choose natural principles cards that you feel will more easily accessible for young people.
Invite them to find those natural principles in a nearby nature space.
Ask them to share how they might make changes to their life, guided by that natural principle.