Free First Steps to Regenerative Leadership Workbook

Leaders and team members often tell us they don’t know where to start when it comes to shifting towards regenerative practice – but any regenerative journey always starts with a few simple steps…

When you do so it can often feel very natural and aligned and authentic, because you’re invited into the flow and dynamism that a ecosystem approach offers.

That’s not to say there won’t be tensions and difficulties along the way, but once you access the frameworks and tools you have a whole backpack of personal and practical resources to draw on.

What do we mean by regenerative leadership?

Regenerative organisations are dynamic, thriving, healthy, living- systems that actively develop the potential of the people within them, allowing them to create abundance, to adapt and to evolve.

Taking steps to become regenerative involves an inner and outer adventure. The inner journey invites leaders and team members to develop new personal skills and to co-create cultures of innovation and abundance.

The ‘outer’ journey invites connections, collaborations, appropriate structures, and the creation of diversity, creating the conditions for new life to emerge.


Discover more in our free workbook – explore for yourself, with practical tasks and though-provoking activities.

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