Think like a Tree online group programme Sept/Oct 2024



Six week programme:

Tutor: Sarah Spencer

Wednesday evenings 18 September to 23 October 2024 

18, 25  September and 2, 9, 16,23 October 2024

6 – 8.30pm (UK time) – of course you are welcome to attend from anywhere in the world

Each session will be two and a half hours with a group via Zoom.

The course consists of 6 zoom sessions, with home study and outdoor sessions ‘off-line’.  There will be breaks during sessions with tasks, so it won’t just be sitting at a computer.

The group size will remain small so you will gain from learning from others. In previous courses group members have continued to communicate and offer each other support between sessions.


We associate woodlands, forests and other natural ecosystems with resilience, longevity and harmony, but often struggle to experience these in our own lives.

By exploring principles derived from nature, this programme will guide you step-by-step through a design cycle that can be used for a wide range of personal circumstances – relationships, health, wellbeing, leisure and work.

You may want to make a significant change, some small improvements, or just want to be more content or effective in your everyday life, and whatever your circumstances this course has something to offer.

The programme comprises six two and a half hour sessions with activities to do at home.  During the six week programme you will build up the tools and resources to complete a design that is personal to you after the course.  All course materials are provided and you will go away with a toolkit of tools and principles that can be used again and again. The home study is optional but you will get more from the course if you commit to the extra time – approx 2 – 3 hours per week.

The programme is interactive with lots of resources so we recommend you commit time (and head space) to completing the programme.


More about the course click here

Cost:  £150 payable in advance.  Please reserve your place by paying a deposit of £75.  The final payment falls due two weeks before the course starts.

EARLY BIRD: £120 if you pay in full by 23 August 2024  **SAVE £30**

  • Places for people with low income/low capital are available at £75
  • If payment is not received we reserve the right to offer your place to someone else.
  • Please see Terms and Conditions for booking

Please book by BACS if at all possible to save the fees (that means I can support more people and plant more trees!).  To pay by bacs please proceed to the checkout where payment details will be given/emailed.

If you would like to take this programme with a view to becoming a Think like a Tree facilitator please get in touch to discuss.

Alternatives: If you would like to follow the programme on a 1:1 basis then you can find out more here.

Additional information

Tick type

Early bird, Pay in full, Deposit, Pay balance, Low income