
Think like a Forest

Here’s a blog post that appears on the Permaculture Association blog. 


In it I share some key insights for businesses and organisations wanting to transition to regenerative ways of  working  Here’s a link to the full post 

My name is Sarah Spencer and I’m the founder of Think like a Tree (for individuals) and Think like a Forest (for businesses and organisations).  We offer training, coaching and consultancy on how to live and work in regenerative, nature-inspired ways. This year we were shortlisted for the International Lush Spring Prize for our regenerative training.
I came to do this work thanks to Permaculture (I hold a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design) and through realising that only a fundamental shift in our collective mindset will lead to the successful future that our planet deserves. I’d love to share with you a personal story about regenerative ways of thinking, and how this could also transform the success of any business or organisation you are associated with.
My story starts at St Brides, my 9 acre smallholding in rural Derbyshire. It’s a paradise that my family has created on our own doorstep, that is teeming with life, biodiversity and abundance. However, it wasn’t always like that. When we bought the smallholding 20 years ago, the land was essentially an overgrazed horse field.
Over the next few years we planted it up with woodlands, orchards, vegetable beds, a forest garden and flower borders. We dug ponds and streams and created wildflower meadows. With the help of a team of volunteers ,we planted 1500 trees on the site, including many native species, as part of the new National Forest. 


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